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Your body during sex
Your body during sex

- [Narrator] You know the feeling when your special someone looks at you with intent and desire? Your natural instinct starts to kick in. You now have one thing in mind, sex. There are four phases to the sexual response cycle, excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution. Excitement, in this initial stage of arousal, serotonin is released. It's a a neurotransmitter that is thought to cause you to feel happy. When you get excited or aroused, your pupils dilate, a sign your autonomic nervous system is working at increasing levels. Adrenaline is released, the heart rate starts accelerating, blood rushes to the genitals, a woman's clitoris and labia minora swell, and a man's penis becomes erect. Men experience a tightening of the scrotum, swelling of the testicles, and the discharge of liquid meant to lubricate. Women also begin lubrication. Dopamine is released, increasing your sexual desire. Everything you experience intensifies. You will now have reached plateau. Continuing from initial excitement, your heart rate, breathing, muscle tension, and blood pressure increase. Norepinephrine is released during stimulation, making your special areas more sensitive. Muscles in the feet, face, and hands may begin to spasm. Orgasm, the pelvic muscles contract, a woman's uterus and the base of a man's penis experience rhythmic contractions. The heavy amount of nerve and muscle tension that was built up releases everything involuntarily at once in the form of intense pleasurable waves. Males ejaculate their semen, females can experience ejaculation as well. Your oxytocin level, or the love hormone, peaks at orgasm. It's what researchers argue possibly builds trust and closeness between partners. Resolution, sexual arousal usually decreases. The contraction and swelling subside. Some women may be able to return to orgasm phase, but men go into the refractory period, a time where they can't reach the orgasm phase yet, so men just wait it out, and then do it again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again.
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